Work commuting
The example below shows how to create statistics on job commuting using information on municipality of residence and municipality of workplace. People who work in a municipality other than the municipality of residence are defined as job commuters. It is important that the same measurement time is used for the two variables.
require no.ssb.fdb:31 as db
create-dataset commuting
import db/BOSATTEFDT_BOSTED 2022-11-16 as residence
import db/REGSYS_ARB_ARBKOMM 2022-11-16 as workplace
drop if sysmiss(workplace)
generate commuter = residence != workplace
The proportion of job commuters (people who work in a different municipality than residence) as of 16/11 2022:
tabulate commuter, cellpct freq
generate residence_county = substr(residence,1,2)
generate work_county = substr(workplace,1,2)
define-labels county_label '03' Oslo '11' Rogaland '15' 'Møre og Romsdal' '18' Nordland '30' Viken '34' Innlandet '38' 'Vestfold og Telemark' '42' Agder '46' Vestland '50' Trøndelag '54' 'Troms og Finnmark'
assign-labels residence_county county_label
assign-labels work_county county_label
Job commuters distributed by residence county and work county:
tabulate residence_county work_county if commuter
tabulate residence_county work_county if commuter, rowpct